Sister Tyson leaves on Monday, November 28, 2016 for the MTC in Sao Paulo Brazil. Here is a letter on the Church website to welcome new missionaries to the Brazil MTC. We are so excited for Kalee!
Welcome Message from the MTC President
Dear Prospective Missionaries and Parents,
The main objective of the Brazil Missionary Training Center is to
prepare and qualify missionaries to successfully achieve the Lord’s
purpose for missionary work and service by preparing the missionaries to
“invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored
gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance,
baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end” (
Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service [2004], 1). It is a truly marvelous place to learn and grow.
The Brazil MTC is situated in the city of São Paulo, an area with
approximately 20 million people. As missionaries enter the MTC, there is
an instant feeling of peace and purpose. A lot of time is dedicated to
better understanding the doctrine of Jesus Christ and the scriptures. We
Preach My Gospel, an inspired volume of instruction, as
the teaching guide, and excellent instructors give the daily training.
Missionaries also enjoy time participating in sports and physical
exercise, service projects, and personal and companion study. We have an
excellent cafeteria as well as a gymnasium, walking track, weight room,
and garden areas around the grounds of the MTC for outdoor study.
The MTC presidency is supported by excellent branch presidencies, who
are called to support the missionaries and preside over the Sunday
meetings and activities. The missionaries also enjoy weekly devotionals
and firesides given by General Authorities, the MTC leadership, and
other Church leaders. Missionaries are additionally blessed to be able
to attend the São Paulo Brazil Temple each week.
The missionaries who train at the Brazil MTC are young men and women
from Brazil and other South American countries, the United States,
Mozambique, and Cape Verde. Even though we have many countries and
cultures represented, the missionaries are united in their purpose of
furthering the work of the Lord in establishing His Church.
Being a missionary is not easy, and you will be blessed with tasks at
the MTC that will stretch and strengthen you in preparation for the
marvelous work ahead. As you work and study diligently, you will be
trained to share with the world the message of the restored gospel and
to invite others to embrace the truth.
We look forward to having you with us at the Brazil MTC, and we know
that you will be blessed and sustained by the Lord as you begin your
missionary service.
President and Sister Grahl
About the Brazil MTC
Brazil MTC in Sao Paulo
The Brazil MTC was the second MTC established by the Church (after
Provo). It was first housed in the old Mission House located at Rua
Itapeva in São Paulo, but with the construction of the Church
administrative complex located at Avenida Professor Francisco Morato,
the MTC was soon moved and occupied a portion of the temple patron
housing facilities of the São Paulo Temple.
As missionary numbers grew, plans for expansion were made, and the São Paulo 7
Ward meetinghouse was demolished to make way for the construction of
the current facility. With a capacity of 646 missionaries, the Brazil
MTC is the largest Church-owned building outside the United States.
Since its dedication by Elder Russell M. Nelson in May 1997, thousands
of missionaries have been trained here. They come from Brazil and other
parts of South America, the United States, Cape Verde, Mozambique, and
Portugal. Most serve in Brazil, but some Brazilians learn Spanish here
to serve in the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America.
Although located along the Tropic of Capricorn, the city of São Paulo
has a temperate climate due to its elevation. If you will be at the MTC
during the summer months (October through March), expect warm
temperatures and ample rain (approximately 56 inches fall annually). The
winter months are relatively mild, with average temperatures in the
high 50s (about 14°C) and occasional frosts.