Okay, so this week was another crazyyyyy week for me!
on Monday- the president came and put me with sister Penni- the sister
training leader and we stayed in the same area and house with my other
trainer and her new comp- things were awesome! Sister Penni knew I was
missing you guys a lot because of my birthday and everything and when I
told her about our family tradition with meals on birthdays and how Kade
wanted pancakes and iIwished for Olive Garden- she said that because
she couldn't give me Olive Garden, that she wanted to make me pancakes! And she did!!!! All by scratch- just because she is sweet and wanted to
keep the family tradition alive!! Sooooo sweet!
Then the
next day, we got all my stuff settled again in the apartment and started
working on my training again- we studied together and she explained
that we would catch up on all of the things i needed to learn to pass of
to the zone leaders. Then she helped me learn how to invite people to baptism because
the next day- Tuesday-
we were going to teach W. and C. and their daughters- a
family that Penni and her other comp had started teaching the week
before-. I was relieved that Sister Penni only asked me to focus on a
few things for this lesson. Penni
speaks amazing Portuguese and was also teaching me soooo much about
tricks to the language. She is amazing!
on Tuesday,
after preparing on Monday night, we went to teach W. and his
family with some members from our ward. Penni and the members taught the
family about the plan of salvation and we read a chapter with them in
the Book of Mormon. It is awesome because W. is in his 40s and
reads the Book of Mormon like a Harry Potter book!!! I know he is
already being prepared for big things in the church!!! He barely got the Book of Mormon 2 week ago, and already is almost through 1st Nephi! His
excitement and understanding is awesome! As Penni was trying to explain
the Plan of Salvation, he was adding things and explaining things and
he has never received the discussions before!! TENDER MERCIES!!! Then,
Penni looked at me, and I was feeling it too... and I asked W. and
his family if they would be baptized!!! All in Portuguese!!!! And he
understood! He replied, "COM CERTEZA", WHICH MEANS, "WITH CERTAINTY"- HE DIDN'T EVEN HESITATE!!!!! I was sooooo excited! William and Neia need to
be married first and quit smoking but i just know they are prepared and I felt so happy to be a part of it! They have a daughter that is Allie's
age and I loved sitting by her helping her open the Book of Mormon and
seeing her face light up when we explain how Heavenly Father feels about
her! Soooooo special!!!
My feet were hurting, but I have kept working! I was just really motivated and excited so I pushed through! But,
on Wednesday,
Presidente sent me into a dermatologist to check my feet.... I wasn't
super excited but we went. She said that the skin is really thin and that if I
keep walking I will get an infection- the skin needs to heal- because
the blisters dry during the night and because we walk in the rain during
the day and the heat, the skin keeps getting more thin- she prescribed
So, Sister Penni told President and he called me in---- and President
explained that there is another sister, Sister Santana that is having issues with her knees, she can't
work. He said because I need to take a few days to
let my feet heal and Sister Santana- the Brazilian sister with knee
problems needs to stay home too, that he would rather have two
missionaries stay home and two work than have 4 stay home...... it makes
sense.... but.... long story short---- President changed me again! I am
in a new area, only ten minutes from the last one, with a new comp, and
new house!!!! President said that it was only a temporary change, not
an official transfer, and that he felt terrible that all of these things
are happening to a new missionary. He said that he can't make any
promises, but I hope he puts me back with Sister Penni to finish my
training after this transfer ends! I love Penni and loved that ward
already- plus I want to see W. and his family get baptized---- President said I can call Penni anytime and if they get baptized in the
next few weeks, I can go, because I am soooo close.
I am a little discouraged and overwhelmed right now, but I'm doing okay. The transfer ends on
Feb 20th.
We went to church yesterday and the bishop asked me to get up and introduce myself and share my
testimony to the ward yesterday in the new ward--- even though he knows I'm new to the mission field. haha I was nervous but felt good about my Portuguese! Everyone is super nice and say I understand and speak a lot
more than normal.... Then my comp and I sang with the 5 young women in
the ward during sacrament meeting which was soooo cute!
Sister Tyson & Sister Santana |
Sister Tyson & Sister Penni |
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