THIS WEEK WAS AWESOME! We are working in a new part
of our area and it is an area that has so many families in their homes
together during most of the day!!!! It is a new subdivision here in Cambe that is owned by the government- the families there either have no
income whatsoever, or they have one small income to support their
families, so the government helps them temporarily. It is sad to see
that many of the parents in the families turn to drugs and alcohol do
deal with their financial issues, but the families in this subdivision
are younger and humble. WE HAVE 37 NEW INVESTIGATORS THIS WEEK!!! WE ARE
We are still in the
beginning processes of teaching and contacting these new families, but I
am hopeful that we will start seeing the "fruits" of our labors here in Cambe during these last 2 weeks of the transfer!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!
Yesterday we did an activity with the youth in our ward and we had a great turn out! We did a practice with them about how they can invite their friends to come to mutual, church or seminary! It was awesome! My companion did the spiritual thought and I did the games and the practices! Then, the YW presidency made pizzas and brought soda for everyone. It was awesome!
The language is great! I was told that I am fluent this week! haha Not
true, but I have some of the people fooled!! I have a long ways to go and
still have an American accent, but I am trying to learn lots everyday! I have understood 90% of everything people have said for a long time--
pretty much in the CTM (MTC) I understood a lot...but now, I don't even skip a
beat with the people in the street--- which is a blessing from the Lord! And I love joking in Portuguese! I am learning lots and still need lots
of help, but with time! Portuguese is hard!! Sometimes I doubt why Heavenly Father thought I was smart enough or
capable enough to learn this difficult language.... everyone speaks it
differently and have different accents! It's so hard--- and it has so
many rules! I know that the Lord doesn't give us any challenge we can't
face, but man! It's a challenge!
I will give the training for my district this week--- I am nervous but excited!

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