We baptized LC this week and he is an older man who was sooo sweet
leaving the waters of baptism this week!!!
Sister Anjos
was transferred on Friday afternoon and the companion of her new companion is now my companion. Her name is Sister Fanny Correa from Buenos Aires, Argentina. We will be companions for the next two weeks until the regular transfer happens. She was trained by Sister Costa and she has 5 months in the mission. She is soooo sweet!!! She is still learning the language, but she is full of energy! I love her already! We have
already marked two baptisms for Friday night and we are so excited!!!
I was sad that Sister Anjos was transferred after only 1 month
together because the same thing happened the last time we were comps in Cascavel- we stayed as comps for just 3 weeks and then I was
transferred to help sisters in Sao Paulo... but at the same time, we
were happy to make the change to help these sisters and to help our Presidente.
Our next transfer will be on April 8th and I think that I will be transferred
to my last area!! I haven't heard about travel plans yet but Presidente
talked to me this week at our Zone Conference in our interview and got
super emotional... he said that he wants me to stay and that he knows
that our family is waiting but that he is going to miss me... it was
sooo sweet and I was able to tell him how much I love him. He joked with
me and told me that he just needs 30 more days-- haha but I explained
to him that 2 months ago I was planning on staying an extra transfer but
then I realized that I have a mission after my mission and that my
family also is important and needs me too. and I told him that I am
giving everything I have now so that I never have to look back and
wonder, "what if?". he said that he would never make me feel pressured
or anything but that he gets sad when he thinks about my flight
plans.... (that's why I think he wouldn't let me see them yet)... I felt
happy that he was able to express his feelings but I didn't feel
differently about my decision to go home in May. It was a very special
moment! I am soooo grateful for such a great Presidente...I am seriously
going to miss my mission mom and dad soooo much!!
I will do divisions in Bauru Centro this week! I travel tomorrow until Friday again-and I will take Sister Correa with me... I am the only sister
training leader in Sao Paulo for these few weeks so I have lots to do---
and Presidente wants me in the areas with the sisters--- so... like
always I'm running lots but am excited to help and to see the Bauru gang
again this week!
I miss Conference and Easter with you guys!!! I will be working hard to
bring people to the Conference and we will watch it at the church with
the members--- I always like to bring treats for the missionaries in
between the sessions--- its so weird saying that...that means that I've
been in the mission for a long time if i have a "General Conference
tradition" hahahahaha this week I will have 1 year and four months
already!!! In 50 days I'm there with you!
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