We had two more baptisms this week! J. baptized his 18 year old sister T!
Elder Rasband just came to do a devotional but the stake will officially be split this weekend on the 26---
was wonderful and spoke about 3 Nephi 11 when Christ visits the Americas- he talked about how there were so many people there but Christ
took the time and showed love to each one- one by one- blessing the
children- he talked about how Christ ministered... He could have just
blessed the multitude all at once, but no- He took each person in his
arms and blessed them. He spoke about how we need to be more like Him in
blessing the lives of others- one by one- that we need to give more
thought and more love to the individual. I WAS OBSESSED WITH HIS TALK!
He and his wife has translators- but it was cool hearing him speak in English and then having it directly translated for the people!
We had an awesome P day with our district here in Cascavel- my
district leader is Elder King from Las Vegas- and he will be headed home
from his mission at the end of this transfer which will be December
4th--- he is such a great friend of mine and it was fun to have more
time chatting with him and playing all of the games that he planned.
played lots of relay type games-- Brazilians vs the foreigners (we
have 3 Brazilian sisters, 2 Brazilian elders, 2 American sisters, 1 American elder, 1 Mexican elder, and 1 Mexican sister in our district-
so it was 5 Brazilians against the 3 Americans and 2 Mexicans hahahaha)
It was sooooo fun!!!
This week was wild-- we were running around trying to get
everyone ready to be baptized and to invite even more people to be
baptized! so many miracles-- it was awesome because we had so many
members at the baptisms and so much support!
It was
so cool because my first baptism here-J. (21) received the
priesthood and baptized his younger sister T (18) this week! It
was his first baptism! He is preparing to serve a mission already and is
giving us so many references. My heart was so full watching my baptism
baptize his own sister!!! was a beautiful moment and really reminded me
how wonderful Heavenly Father is!!! I have been a basket case all week
just thinking about the beauty of it all!
We are teaching a man named D.- he is the father
of a member named P- P is 19 and left to serve her mission
in Peru- but after just four months in the field, she had to come home
because of problems with her ankle. She has been recovering for the last
few months and has been almost cleared to go back to her mission-
probably after Christmas. She is so wonderful and has been helping us
tons! But anyways- everyone in her family are members except for her
We went there to teach him and he was really
receptive which threw P. off--- but we invited him to be baptized
and he said that he knows that he needs to but that he is scared. We
explained the plan of salvation and how everyone has to be baptized how Christ was in order to live with God and our families forever. I felt a
strong impression to ask P. to share her testimony with her dad in
that moment. She was emotional and said, "dad, I love you so much, and I
want to be with you forever- our whole family will be together and you
will be alone without us-- I can't imagine my life in eternity without
you, dad-" then she shared about her mission and about the gospel and it
was soooo powerful! She, her mom, and dad were all emotional and so
were we!!!!!
Her dad came to watch the
baptisms this week and was interviewed by my Zone Leader- Elder Benvenuto;)- and didn't pass the interview but felt the spirit very
strongly. We went back yesterday and we told him that there are no
coincidences- that his daughter came home from her mission just to see
her dad be baptized- and we were able to mark his baptism for this week
on the 25th! We are praying that it all works out and that he can let go
of his fear and be baptized!!!!! So much hope and happiness for another
great week ahead!
This year I am grateful for so many things- but most importantly I am thankful to Heavenly Father to be a missionary- I am grateful for His
mercy and tender mercies and for the opportunity that I have to share
His love with these wonderful people. I love my family and the Lord with
all of my heart and now consider the Brazillian people, my people! My
heart is overwhelmed with gratitude this year for all of the blessing
that i have received. I know that the Lord lives and loves us and that
He loves me because He gave me the best parents and family in the world,
the best mission and place on earth to serve with some many great
people, and the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to live and share with
others! I love you all so much and am so grateful for you!
Have the greatest week and know that I am praying for you always! I hope that you have a great holiday of love and joy!

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